Sunday, June 6, 2010

In a Sea of City Slickers

Country Bumpkinnavy dress(Lipstick/snagged from the mom); sandals(aerosoles)eversible hat (gift/from China); large plaid shirt (yard sale);

Well gawrsh, howdy there folks! I dub this outfit "country farmer trying to look sophisticated for a trip to the big city". Or as Ingrid saw it, more of a "chinese rice farmer peasant going into the city".

City Slicker
navy dress(Lipstick/snagged from the mom); white peeptoe wedges (BCBG)

This outfit was put together to project a slightly more sophisticated image*, with minimal/nonexistent accessorizing, in order to look presentable for the school newspaper banquet.
Sometimes I have a strange urge to look conventionally presentable. Now I am slightly regretting my decision to cut down on strange head accessories and confusing tights for the evening.


Anonymous said...

cute dress! and your head looks like a bowl

LUU H. said...

the dress was cute !

Bun said...

now i know who your reversible hat was from.
the truth is so exciting yet inconceivable

Kate Rose said...

you're right about that