sheer black blouse (H&M), beige sweater (mom's), sports watch (market in China), flappy beige skirt (random Asian clothes store),
periwinkle tights (AA), black loafers (Nordstrom's)
*disclaimer:Just because I wear baggy sweaters and colorful tights** and loafers does not make me a hipster***
**I know he fact that they are American Apparel tights is not helping my case
***Hipsters aren't all that bad (except when they are). Poor hipsters. They're the people we all love to hate.
**I know he fact that they are American Apparel tights is not helping my case
***Hipsters aren't all that bad (except when they are). Poor hipsters. They're the people we all love to hate.
Tavi again! I love it!
very unique!
ohh hipsters, gotta love to hate 'em. their very essence (probs the smell of Pabst Blue Ribbon (hipster juice) and pretentiousness) cause major hatred from everyone!
Thanks :)
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